Monday, January 13, 2014

"To This Day"- Shane Koyczan

          The first thing that I really like about this Ted talk is the use of rhyme. The rhyme and music behind the talk gives so much more power than without. Another thing that I really like about this is when Koyczan talks about how we are forced to know who we want to be before we know who we are. Like when you are taking tests in 6th, 7th, 8th grade and it asks you what job you want. When I was young I always had trouble with knowing who I wanted to be. When Koyczan gets into the actual poem he talks about one of the most common issues in today's schools, which is bullying. The reason why I think I found this talk so much more interesting than any other anti-bullying lecture is because of the pain and pure power in his voice.


  1. I think this video is really amazing I agree the rhythm in this talk really moves me. It really compels me to feel pity for him. I can really connect to him, I also had dreams like him and you and it was kind of nice to relate to. But it is really sad to hear that people are still treated like this. It makes me sad, but it’s satisfying to here him standing up for these bullied kids. This was an interesting video.

  2. Hey Toby, i have to say that I also think it is kind of ridiculous for kids to be asked what they want to be when they grow up at such young age. I know that I certainly didn't know in sixth grade and as a matter of fact still don't know now. Unless the people asking these questions actually believe most kids are going to be astronauts when they grow up i find it pointless. I also have to agree with you on how the pain in his voice makes his lecture about anti bullying that much more interesting.
