Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Technology and Hamlet

Hamlet has been performed in many different time periods but one time that I haven't seen it performed in is 2013. I think it would be very interesting just because of the pure fact of what kind of technology we have in the world today. With all this technology and the capability of phones the play would have been much shorter and less intense. One of the most interesting parts of the reenactments of Hamlet is watching the actor or actress's emotions, and I think that would be lost a bit with everyone being on their phones all the time.

The scene that I chose to put into a modern setting is Hamlets "To be or not to be" soliloquy. The way I imagine this scene is Hamlet sitting in his bed on his phone typing away. You can here his voice in the background saying what he's typing to Twitter and Facebook. This way would show how in today's world people are even sometimes disconnected with themselves and having to share everything with everyone. Hamlet could also use CAPS at some points to show that he is becoming more aggressive. I think this would be a funny take on Hamlet.

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