Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Starts with the Name

          Over these six chapters Gogol or Nikhil has changed dramatically as a character. The biggest change that I see in him is that he continually wants and is growing apart from his Bengali roots. I think that this really starts off when he decides to legally change his name from Gogol to Nikhil. Even though the name Gogol wasn't a traditional name it still was Nikhil's name for his entire childhood. When Nikhil arrives to college at Yale he gets a fake ID so he can go drinking. In addition to drinking one night while Nikhil was at a bar he lost his virginity to some random girl, which I'm no specialist in Bengali culture but I'm pretty sure his parents would not be down with that. Anyways after this Nikhil goes on to find a nice girl named Ruth, but after a while of dating things don't really work out and they had to break up. But then later on in chapter six Nikhil finds this artsy girl named Maxine and they really hit it off. So far in chapter six Nikhil seems to be doing great! But I wouldn't be surprised if something happened to him or someone he know. Maybe on a train.


  1. Commodore Toby,
    I must say I really agree with what you're going with here. This whole name change seems a little sudden and also just because you change you're name wouldn't mean your life does right? Also, as far as your Bengali specialist degree goes, I don't think that only Bengali parents would "be down" with random drunk sex. Other than that I really enjoyed reading your blog post and I agree with you on every point.
    P.S. I'm really McLoving that picture!

  2. Toby!
    The title of your blog is brilliant.

    I really liked all the points you made about Gogol. Yup, the parents would probably not be down with drunk sex, and he's definitely conflicted with who to be.

    While I really enjoyed what you wrote about, I felt like it was more of a summary of what happened more than anything else. While this isn't bad, I wish you would have put a little more of your ideas and thoughts into the blog. In addition, it would have been stellar to have some quotations and then analysis.

    Regardless, you are awesome, this blog is awesome and I enjoy the blog title throughly. Great job! *high five*

    - Millie

    P.S. I wonder if McLoving goes to McDonalds and gets a McMilkshake.
